Construction supervision: We regulate time and costs, assure compliance with design and construction specifications, and control the quality of a construction project.
Control over testing & inspections: Our QC professionals will exam the qualifications of inspection and testing personnel; assure that any deficient work is corrected; perform project preparatory, initial, follow-up and completion inspections; assure that test procedures include test and instrumentation requirements; develop requirements for measuring and monitoring; assure that careful consideration is given to environmental concerns; and develop detailed acceptance criteria before project work begins.
Test records: We ensure that all tests are documented and test records include the items tested, the date of the test, the test conductor or data recorder, acceptance criteria, type of observation, results and acceptability, action taken in connection with any noted deviation, and the signature, affiliation and title of the person evaluating the test results.
Corrective Action: Any errors or deficiencies identified by the QC are addressed in a "Corrective Action Report (CAR)," which includes statements from the responsible person(s) regarding the cause of an error or deficiency, the action taken to correct it, and the action to be taken to prevent a recurrence.
Control of special processes: Our quality control engineers assure that certain tests, for example, welding radiographic and nondestructive tests, are performed by qualified personnel using approved written procedures prepared in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and the referenced codes and standards.
Handling, storage and shipping: Materials and equipment that are handled, stored or shipped by a contractor or supplier are required to meet the applicable requirements defined in the project specifications. Our QC engineers review and assure compliance with any special handling instructions, including the use of specially tested and inspected handling tools; the storage procedures required by the drawings and specifications; preventive maintenance requirements; and requirements for the appropriate protection of shipped items.
Document control: We prepare material requisitions and purchase orders, revise procurement documents, if required, and control compliance with instructions and procedures prescribing activities that affect quality.
Record control: Our QC engineers develop and implement programs to control the collection, storage and maintenance of the records generated throughout project construction, such as material mill certificates, test certificates from off-site laboratories, test records from on-site laboratories, calibration documents, check list records, standard forms appendices, and schedules of approved and/or rejected materials.
Calibration control: We implement a program to control the calibration, recall, repair, and maintenance of measuring devices, instruments, and equipment that are used for inspection and testing, ensuring that all tools, gauges, and other measuring equipment are calibrated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Items that typically require calibration control are: batching plants, testing machines, pressure gauges, torque wrenches, meager tester, survey instruments, scales and balances, and voltage and amperage meters.
Control of purchased items and services: Our QC engineers work with project managers to evaluate and select suppliers of purchased items and subcontracted services, in accordance with the requirements detailed in drawings and specifications. In coordination with subcontractors, our QC engineer develops a schedule for inspections and tests. Our quality control of purchased materials follows a review of the manufacturers' certificates and any data pertaining to other installations where the materials have been used. The testing of some items, such as pipes and valves, might be conducted at the manufacturer's factory under the supervision of our QC engineer.